Anindya Sundar Paul

Software Engineer and Software Craftsman

About Me

A software engineer and a believer in software craftsmanship, specialized in backend software development. Currently working at Yunex Traffic (Former Siemens ITS) on pushing the frontier of V2X software and traffic management systems. I obtained M.Sc. in Informatics from the Technical University of Munich. Before that, I worked at iPay Systems Ltd., one of the leading fintech startups in Bangladesh.


Blog: I sometimes feel like writing.

Photos: Moments from my life in RGB.

বাইনারি রঙ্গ (Binaryrongo): Series of articles written in Bengali about basic C/C++ programming and problem solving.


You can get in touch with me through any of the following channels.


The simplistic design of this website is a reflection of my fondness for minimalism.